Timing of Telephone appointments
We are aware that there can be some confusion regarding the expected time of phone calls booked with a clinician. Accurx sends an automated message when a telephone appointment is booked, suggesting a 2 hour window. We do send a confirmation message to state that this will be within the ‘AM or PM’ window as surgeries last 4-5 hours. Surgeries are made up of face to face and telephone appointments and priority is given to urgent cases. Some consultations take longer than others due to complex medical problems, distressing situations or calls to and from hospitals.
We appreciate your patience when waiting for a telephone appointment. We will always try to call twice, 30 minutes apart, if you miss the first call. We have again contacted Accurx to ask if their messaging can more closely reflect the challenging clinical environment, to avoid confusion.
Respect for our staff
Modern general practice incorporates a number of allied clinical staff. All appointment requests are triaged by a doctor who will decide the appropriate person to deal with the problem. In an ideal world we would all have our favourite clinician available all day every day to see us, but in reality this is just not possible, nor is it necessary.
Our colleagues include Advanced Nurse Practitioners (Kayleigh and Rachael) who have a wide range of independent practice. The triaging doctor is aware of their scope of work and will make sure the presenting problem is appropriate. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for them to be faced with personal comments about their capabilities, undermining the years of higher level training they have completed.
In addition, we have a very hard working team of administrative staff. Our calls are recorded and it is difficult to hear them being sworn at, laughed at or threatened on occasions. Such behaviour will not be tolerated. Poor treatment leads to poor morale and loss of staff. Similarly, if a call does not meet our expected standard, then we reflect on this with the team member and put extra training in place.
Most of our patients are kind and courteous and we thank you for this. General practice is a tough environment and without the team, the doctors simply can’t provide the service.
Drs Marshall, Shaw, Jerram and Willey
Travel Vaccinations
We do not provide travel clinics or travel health advice in the practice. You can access travel clinics locally at Boots (Kingston Park & Newcastle), and Superdrug (Newcastle and Metro Centre) amongst others.
You will need to discuss which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required.
You can request a copy of your vaccination history through Greystoke Surgery prior to your appointment to assist with this.
It is important to make this appointment as early as possible before travelling as a series of appointments may be required to actually receive the vaccinations and/or medications. If recommended by the local travel clinic we can provide the following vaccinations free on the NHS to travellers:
Appointments for the above vaccinations are only available if you have been advised that they are required by a travel clinic. Prior to booking your vaccinations at Greystoke, you will be asked to submit your travel recommendations provided by your Travel Clinic. Please give at least 4 weeks notice when booking with the practice nurse (appointments for travel vaccinations are not available on the day or at short notice). We are unable to administer any vaccines without sight of the travel clinic documentations.
All other vaccinations and travel health advice should be provided by the travel clinic.
Scam Phone Calls
Scam Phone Calls
We have been alerted by some patients of scam phone calls received, whereby the person, ringing from a mobile number, claims to be a Doctor and appears to have date of birth and knowledge of medications. They then ask about medical insurance. Unfortunately, this is a scam. We would never share patient details, so please be vigilant.
Thank you.
Winter Infections
Winter infections are spreading, and hospitals are under extreme pressure.
Please avoid A&E for flu-like symptoms.
- Stay hydrated
- Take paracetamol for fever/pain
- Rest at home
Contact your GP practice if symptoms persist or you have a serious illness.
For out-of-hours advice, contact NHS 111 online or call 111.