We offer a comprehensive range of medical services, in normal surgery appointments to gain the greatest flexibility. In addition we also provide:
Maternity Care
Please see the doctor of your choice. Antenatal Clinics are held with the midwife on Thursday mornings between 10am – 12 noon.
Child Care Clinics
These clinics are held at Gas House Lane on Thursday mornings 9.30am – 11.30am for assessment of children’s growth and development. The health visitor will be in attendance. Any queries telephone 519519 or 511393. You will be invited to attend for your child’s regular developmental check.
- Routine children’s: You will be notified to attend the surgery when your child’s vaccinations are due.
- Flu Vaccinations: People at risk will be contacted by the surgery.
Travel Vaccinations
We do not provide travel clinics or travel health advice in the practice. You can access travel clinics locally at Boots (Kingston Park & Newcastle), and Superdrug (Newcastle and Metro Centre) amongst others.You will need to discuss which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required.You can request a copy of your vaccination history through Greystoke Surgery prior to your appointment to assist with this.
It is important to make this appointment as early as possible before travelling as a series of appointments may be required to actually receive the vaccinations and/or medications. If recommended by the local travel clinic we can provide the following vaccinations free on the NHS to travellers:
Appointments for the above vaccinations are only available if you have been advised that they are required by a travel clinic. Prior to booking your vaccinations at Greystoke, you will be asked to submit your travel recommendations provided by your Travel Clinic. Please give at least 4 weeks notice when booking with the practice nurse (appointments for travel vaccinations are not available on the day or at short notice). We are unable to administer any vaccines without sight of the travel clinic documentations.
All other vaccinations and travel health advice should be provided by the travel clinic.
Health Promotion
We follow the national guidelines for health promotion and target particular at risk groups. We also run a regular cervical smear screening service for which you will receive a letter of invitation if appropriate.
Family Planning
Please see your doctor who will be able to provide a full range of services, including emergency contraception. Those wishing to consider having a coil fitted for contraception should discuss this with either Drs Elphick & Thompson.
Other Special Clinics Provided
Diabetic care, asthma care, dietary advice, smoking cessation, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Epilepsy, Hypertension monitoring, & Lithium monitoring. Please see receptionist for details. Counselling services are available through you own Doctor who will make the appropriate arrangements.
Smoking Cessation
Smoking Cessation Advice is administered within the surgery please make an appointment with the practice nurse. External clinics are available in Ashington and Newbiggin. Further information available from the receptionists or your own Doctor.
For those patients who are entitled to Chiropody services these are available from the chiropody staff who are based at The Health Centre, Gas House Lane, Morpeth. Telephone 01670 519519